
Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. Bash Scripting Cheat Sheet
    This page contains basic and common bash scripting syntax you usually need for most of the time.

  2. Vim Ranges
    You can learn bunch of vim / vi common syntax for text manipulation especially using ranges. This page summarize pretty much for you to summarize and use as a notes.

  3. 35 Basic Linux Command Every User Should Know
    Contains most often used and essential command for linux user. Helps you to directly use linux CLI for most common task.

  4. Regex Online Builed and Tester
    You can build, learn, and test regex in this website with intuitive explanation for every regex part.

  5. Learn Regex
    Learn different Regex syntax and functions with simple example.

  6. Software License Choose Helper
    Identify your software license needs easily using this website. You can also know the permission, condition, also limitation for every license listed in easy way.

  7. 20 Top Git Commands With Example
    Most of the time needed git commands explained briefly with example usage and result.

  8. Virtual Memory
    Get a brief knowledge about virtual memory and it’s role in computer.

  9. What is The Difference Between Host And Guest Operating System
    Get brief explanation about host dan guest OS in a computer, and also key difference between both OS.

  10. Fdisk Commands to Manage Linux Partition
    You can use this tools to help create disk partition on linux after installation. This guide helps step by step to check and manage, and create disk partition.