
Top 10 List of Week 03

  1. CHMOD dam CHOWN pada Linux
    This website explain chmod and chown command in linux which used to change file permission and file owner. This webiste explained the permission class meaning in easy to understand language and also included with several example.

  2. Linux File System Explained
    This website explains about several types of Linux file systems. The website also explain why a file system is better than another file system, and also the use case of each file system.

  3. How to partition disk using fdisk and parted command
    Easy tutorial about disk partitioning and mount is in this website. This website include every instruction also with screenshot of the output expected. The instruction is short and compact, good for you if you need to partition or mount disk as fast as possible.

  4. Linux File Locking Types
    Know how the locking file system will behave. This webiste gives brief explanation for use case of file system locking. There is also explanation and sample command to test the file lockig system in your computer.

  5. Linux Root Folder Explained
    More about function of each root folders in Linux. This website explain every root folder function with simple and easy to understand languange.

  6. How to setup nfs in Linux
    This website gives tutorial how to share a directory in linux and accessed over the network. You can also try to create nfs server, the explanation is straight forward and easy enough for begineer to try.

  7. Tar and Untar Zip Files
    There is brief explanation about command we can use to create compressed file and uncompress file in this webiste. This webiste can help you to create compressed file tar and uncompress file.

  8. The basic idea of file compression
    Compression is a real thing in file system, almost every file can be compressed. In this website you can find how basic file compression system works, and why it can help reduce file size.

  9. Everything you need to know about Linux Inodes
    Inodes is another term is used in file system. Serveral website hosting company often limit their customer for certain ammount of inodes allowed. In here this webiste you can find a definition and what exactly are those inodes.

  10. Bad Sector Explained
    Have you ever heard about bad sector in hard drive. This website give brief explanation about what is bad sector in hard drive and why the hard drive can get bad sector.