
Top 10 List of Week 06

  1. Memory Layout Of Process
    This website give explanation about layout of a process in memory (stack, heap, etc). Not only diagram, this website also provide some C code example to gain deeper understanding about the memory section looks like in code.

  2. Process States in Operating System
    This website give diagram about the process staet happened in operating system. The website also provide brief explanation for every single state.

  3. What is PID and PPID
    Get to know about PID and PPID with brief explanation. This website also provide relation diagram how PID and PPID works, this will help you understand better about child process.

  4. What is fork() and How To Use it
    This website give great explanation about fork() in C. This website explain fork with some diagram to helps understand better. Also, there is example code for writing C program and using fork() inside.

  5. C fork system call (using wait(NULL))
    This website also explain about usage of fork() in C but the example provided also using wait function. This example gives you better understanding the usage of fork() with wait.

  6. How is wait(NULL) really works
    This forum gives good answer and explanation about usage of wait(NULL). The explanation is easy to understand and helps for better understanding of wait(NULL).

  7. Using fflush() in C program
    There is some demo in week06 which using fflush. This website gives you good understanding about what is fflush and also the expected behavior from this function.

  8. Zombie Process That Can Happened When Using fork()
    Using fork() in C is amazing but sometimes can lead to some problem. This website gives explanatin about what is zombie process and how we prevent the zombie process happened.

  9. Context Switching in Depth
    This website gives very good explanation about context switching. Not only that, some topics about how process is executed, and state of process also included too. This website will helps to get full understanding in concurency.

  10. Why We Need Concurrency and Some Issues About Concurrency
    This website gives brief explanation about the need of use concurrency in operating system. Some issues about concurency also provided with brief explanation for each of them.