
Top 10 List of Week 07

  1. What is critical section
    This website give overview about what is critical section and why this is become a problem in operating system and many application. There is also some code example that can help to understand better about critical section.

  2. About Race Condition
    This webiste give brief explanation about race condition. Explanation in this website is combined with some example that will help to understand more easily.

  3. Semaphore Overview in Linux
    This website include a good explanation about semaphore. There is some process command that you can run to see directly what is semaphore looks like in your machine.

  4. Peterson’s Algorithm
    This website explained the peterson’ solution well with some illustration. There also a brief explanation about requirements to handle critical section problem.

  5. Dining Philosophers Problem
    This article give good explanation about dining philosophers problem. There is some very good illustration to help easily understand about philosophers problem. There is also some example scenario in this website to illustate the problem.

  6. Reader Writer Problem in Operating System
    This website provide explanation about reader and writer problem with some example code. There is also an explanation about some solution we can use to handle this problem.

  7. Bounded-Buffer Problem
    This webiste give great explanation about bounded-buffer problem. The problem itself is illustrated to help get better understanding. You can also find the solution to this problem on this website also with some pseudocode for the solution.

  8. About Resource and Allocation Graph
    This webiste give straightforward explanation about resource and allocation graph. Each explanation is equipped with some illustration to get better understanding.

  9. Advanced File Permission - Sticky Bit
    This page explain about file permission in advanced like sticky bit, setgid bit, and setuid bit. There is also example input and output expected for each command.

  10. Deadlock in Operating System
    This page make expalanation about deadlock that can be happened in operating system is interesting. Some techniques to handle the deadlock also provided with brief explanation on each technique