
Top 10 List of Week 08

  1. What is CPU Scheduling
    This website give brief expalanation about what is CPU Scheduling. This website explain the CPU Scheduling very well using some figure about how process execute and cpu scheduling role.

  2. More about Burst Ttime, Arrival Time, Exit Time, Response Time in CPU
    This webiste explains about different timing terms used in CPU and what differs one term with others. Several table is also used to help illustrate about each time differs from one another.

  3. Assymetric Multiprocessing
    This website explain assymetric multiprocessing in easy way. There is a video that can help you to get better understanding about assymetric multiprocessing.

  4. Difference Between Soft and Hard Real Time System
    This website help you to understand difference between soft and hard in real time system. This website also used some real-world analogy to help easily understand the difference.

  5. Understand Linux Load Averages
    This page help you to understand the three number used on linux to represent load on the system. This website can help you to easily understand the three numbers meaning by no time.

  6. Preemptive Scheduling vs Non-Preemptive Scheduling
    This website help you to understand the difference between preemptive scheduling and non-preemptive scheduling. Some example is also used to help get better understanding.

  7. What is Load Balancing ?
    This webiste give great overview about what is load balancing and several methods used in load balancing system. This website also explains why this is necessary to help you get the idea behind load balancing.

  8. Why We Need CPU Scheduling ?
    This webiste explains very well the idea why we need to use cpu scheduling. This website also briefly explains about what is cpu scheduling and process control block (PCB).

  9. What is Processor Affinity ?
    This page explain about what is processor affinity. This webste give some idea and tutorial that you can try on windows to see what is processor affinity looks like.

  10. What is CPU Burst and I/O Burst
    The answer on this forum about CPU burst and I/O burst is very well explained. You can easily understand by some illustration used to figure about CPU burst and I/O burst.