
Top 10 List of Week 09

  1. Type of Storage Devices
    This website a list for type of storage devices that usually used in computer. Almost all storage devices covered on this website.

  2. What is Botloader
    This webiste explains about bootloader briefly includes how a bootloader work, why we need a bootloader, when is bootloader is injected to the system, and function of the bootloader itself. The expalanation on this website is straight forward with empasis on keywords.

  3. What is systemd
    You can get very good explanation about systemd on this website. Detailed application an usage on real world is also included on this website.

  4. MTTDL Model and RAID Reliability
    This website help you to understand about MTTDL (Mean Time To Data Loss) and MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) of a storage devices. This website also provide table about probability of failure in several year using different type of RAID Level.

  5. RAID Level and Advantages
    This page give list of RAID Level that usually used on computer these days. The explanation on this website is very clear with some illustration to help get better understanding. Advantages and ideal usage of each RAID level is also included to help you get understanding in each application of RAID level.

  6. Storage Attached Network vs Network Attached Storage
    This website help you to know the difference between SAN and NAS. This website explained the difference very brief and include some explanation about updates on SANs technology these days.

  7. What is BIOS ?
    This webiste give great information about BIOS and how the BIOS has a role in computer especially in motherboard. You can also find information about main function of BIOS on this page.

  8. BIOS POST and Beep Code
    Sometimes we can hear beep sound from motherboard, that is the Beep Code from POST process in motherboard. You can find more information about what is BIOS POST and meaning of beep code you hear every time computer startup.

  9. What is UEFI and How It DIffers From BIOS
    This page explain about what is UEFI and how this new system can help user to setup their system more easily. This website also give some mini tutorial you can follow to access the UEFI if your system supports it.

  10. MBR vs GPT in Disk Partitioning
    You can find brief explanation about difference between GPT and MBR when partitioning a disk. This webiste includes illustration and screenshot to see the MBR and GPT usage in real computer system.